Yes, I'd like to participate in the One Fulfillment program on
Please complete this form and mail it along with a copy of your current brochure to the address below. We'll weigh your brochure and send you an agreement based on your first class postal rate. Once you've signed the agreement, all you need to do is send a supply of your brochures to us and we'll get you started.
Brochure Title _____________________________________________________
Organization Name_____________________________________________________
Contact Name _____________________________________________________
Mailing Address _____________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________
Phone Number _____________________________________________________
E-mail Address _____________________________________________________

Please select the appropriate interest(s) for your brochure:

 [  ]  Cities & Towns
 [  ]  Outdoor Recreation
 [  ]  Family Entertainment

 [  ]  Birding
 [  ]  Hunting
 [  ]  Golf

We pass along the savings by providing quantity discounts to our participants! As your monthly number of orders increases, your rate for additional orders decreases and you will actually be paying less than first class postage for each brochure mailed. Here's how the discounts break down:

  1 to 250 orders at normal first class postage
  251 - 500 at 90% of first class postage
  501 - 750 at 85% of first class postage
  751 - 1,000 at 80% of first class postage
  1,000+ at 75% of first class postage

While most communities and attractions benefit greatly from these quantity discounts, we understand that some important tourism industry members don't have a promotional budget that will allow such large numbers of brochures to be mailed monthly. So, we've tailored our program to allow participants to cap their monthly participation. Select the number of monthly brochures you can afford to send through our program (minimum of 150) and we'll hide your brochure from the online order form once you've reached that level each month. There are no disappointed customers who expected to receive your brochure and didn't. At the beginning of the following month, your brochure will reappear for ordering.

If you need to set a cap, specify here _________________________________________

Send completed form to: info @